Tuesday, 13 March 2012

EcoSask News, March 13, 2012

Catalyzing Conversations, March 17
Catalyzing Conversations: Innovative Strategies for Engaging the Public, a two-hour workshop presented by the Columbia Centre for Civic Governance, will be held on Saturday, March 17, from 2-4 pm at the Bessborough Hotel in Saskatoon.

New Community Garden, March 21
The North Park/Richmond Heights Community Association has partnered with Luther Heights, CHEP Good Food, and City of Saskatoon to set up a new community garden in G.D. Archibald Park North. Residents of North Park and Richmond Heights are welcome to garden here. For more information, attend the meeting on Wednesday, March 21, at 7:30 pm in Holy Covenant Church basement (1426 Alexandra Avenue).

Native Prairie Speaker Series, March 21
Saskatchewan Prairie Conservation Action Plan is hosting two presentations on March 21 in the Royal Saskatchewan Museum Auditorium, Regina. Both presentations will be streamed live at www.ustream.tv/channel/native-prairie-speaker-series

Vanessa Swarbrick, University of Regina PhD candidate, will provide a technical presentation on Sources and Consequences of Organic Nitrogen Pollution in Saskatchewan Waters from 12:10-12:50 pm.

The public is invited to hear Carolyn Gaudet and Sarah Ludlow, University of Regina MSc candidates, discuss Effects of Oil & Gas Development on Grassland Songbirds at 7 pm.

Great Places, March 22
Great Places, Saskatoon’s discussion forum on current issues in the built environment, is hosting a free public lecture at 7:30 pm on Thursday, March 22, at the Frances Morrison Library. Dr. John Robinson, the Director of UBC’s Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability will tell the story of this pioneering facility that has set a new standard for green building design.

Young Naturalists’ Birdhouse Workshop, March 23
Bring a hammer and join the Young Naturalists in building a birdhouse on Friday, March 23, from 1-2:30 pm. Space is limited so register in advance by calling 975-3042.

Zoo Crew PD Day Camp, March 23
Join the Saskatoon Zoo Society for a Zoo Crew PD Camp from 8:30 am-4:30 pm on Friday, March 23.

Saw-whet Owling, March 24
Join the Saskatoon Nature Society as they listen for owls calling after dark from 7:30-10:30 pm on Saturday, March 24, near Pike Lake. Wear warm clothes; bring a flashlight and a hot drink. Meet at the intersection of Crerar Drive and Caen Street in Montgomery Place.

For more information, contact the field trip leader at 242-5383.

Permaculture Research Institute Meeting, March 30
The Permaculture Research Institute of Saskatchewan is meeting on Friday, March 30, at the Unitarian Centre (213 2nd Street East). Doors will open at 6 pm for a potluck supper to be followed by a coffee house with everyone invited to contribute to the musical entertainment.

Carrot River Valley Watershed Association, March 30
The Carrot River Valley Watershed Association Inc. (CRVWA) released its first source water protection plan in January. A presentation ceremony to hand over the plan to the Saskatchewan Watershed Authority is scheduled for March 30 at 11 am in Melfort. During the ceremony, funding to assess the implementation of the plan will be presented to CRVWA. All community members are invited to attend. For further information, contact Arshad Ali, Executive Director, CRVWA at 306.920.7228 or crvwa2011@gmail.com.

Agricultural Leadership Scholarships
If you are mid-career with a minimum of 5 years agricultural or farming experience and want to expand your knowledge and travel internationally, check out the Nuffield Farming Scholarships. Applications are due by April 30.

EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include.

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