Tuesday, 7 February 2012
EcoSask News, February 7, 2012
Green Drinks, February 10
Green Drinks Saskatoon is meeting at 5:30 pm on February 10 in the back room at Amigo’s (10th and Dufferin).
Weir and City Park Birding, February 11
Join the Saskatoon Nature Society from 1-3:30 pm on Saturday, February 11 as they look for waterfowl at the weir and then walk some of City Park’s back alleys looking for songbirds. There will be an optional stop at the end of the afternoon at City Perks. Call the trip leader at 244-1927 for additional information.
Bergs, Bears, and Bowheads, February 16
Blair McCann will be speaking on Bergs, Bears, and Bowheads at the February 16 meeting of the Saskatoon Nature Society. The program begins at 7:30 pm in Room 106, Biology Building, University of Saskatchewan.
RE Art Auction and Closing Reception, February 16
The closing reception and auction for the Permaculture Research Institute of Saskatchewan’s sustainability-focused art exhibition is now scheduled for Thursday, February 16 from 7-10 pm at The Refinery.
Environmental Film Festival Benefit, February 16
The Riversdale Community Association is hosting a steak dinner (vegetarian stir fry option) on Thursday, February 16. Tickets are $20.00 and proceeds will help to support the SEN Environmental Film Festival. Contact Lana at lanalehr@care2.com or any member of the Riversdale Community Association for tickets.
Environment in Focus Photo Challenge, March 1
The Saskatchewan Museums Association is looking for digital photos showing environmental sustainability in action and people living in long-term harmony with the natural world. Selected entries will be featured in the next Museums Association of Saskatchewan’s Museums and Sustainability publication. The overall winner will receive $100 and 2 copies of the publication. Two runners up will each receive $50 and one copy.
Email your submissions to pdcoordinator@saskmuseums.org by March 1, 2002. Full details are available on the Museums Association website.
Wildlife Rehabilitation Training, March 24 &25
The Wildlife Rehabilitation Society of Saskatchewan (WRSOS) will be sponsoring the International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council’s (IWRC) Basic Wildlife Rehabilitation, Parasitology, Feeding and Nutrition courses in Regina on March 24 & 25. Go to the IWRC website to sign up.
WRSOS will hold a fundraising banquet on the evening of March 24. For more information contact Jan Shadick at 306-652-5975 or at jshadick@sasktel.net.
The Better Good Go GREEN Contest
The Better Good on Broadway Avenue is holding a Go GREEN Contest. Individuals are invited to commit to one act that will benefit the individual and the planet (e.g. eating vegetarian one day a week, walking to work), writing it down on a piece of paper, and dropping it off at The Better Good. At the end of the month, two entries will be drawn, and they’ll receive a Sustainability Kit ($50 value, all items exchangeable for anything in the store).
Go Green Funding
Three Saskatchewan projects recently received provincial government Go Green funding. Eat Healthy Foods will use cold outdoor air to cool their refrigerators and save electricity in winter. The Native Plant Society of Saskatchewan will develop teaching resources focusing on native plants and habitats, and Ground Effects Environmental Services will test ways of reusing industrial waste water.
EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include.
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