Tuesday, 14 February 2012
EcoSask News, February 14, 2012
Permaculture & Sustainable Gardening, February 17 & 18
Rob Avis of Verge Permaculture is leading an intensive workshop on the Fundamentals of Permaculture on Saturday, February 17, from 9 am to 5 pm. The workshop will cover permaculture strategies for energy efficiency, water reduction, nutrient cycling, and food growing. You’ll learn how to create an abundant garden by following a practical philosophy of working with nature. Email the Permaculture Research Institute of Saskatchewan at info@permasask.ca to register.
Rob Avis will also be leading a free discussion on Sustainable Gardening on Friday, February 17, from 7-9 pm at Broadway Theatre.
Craik Curling FUNspiel, February 19
The Craik Sustainable Living Centre is holding a Family Fun Day Curling FUNspiel on Sunday, February 19, at 1 pm. Call Crystal at 734-7737 to register as a team or individual. No curling experience necessary. Healthy snacks and prizes.
Native Prairie Speaker Series, February 22
Saskatchewan Prairie Conservation Action Plan is hosting two presentations on February 22 in Saskatoon.
Darcy Henderson, Canadian Wildlife Service, will provide a technical presentation on The Road Less Travelled...by Rare Plants Looking for a Home from 12:10-12:50 pm in Room 129, Physics Building, University of Saskatchewan.
The public is invited to hear Stuart Houston discuss Turkey Vultures: Parents in Absentia at 7 pm in the Palace Theatre, Western Development Museum.
Student Job Postings, Meewasin Valley Authority
Meewasin Valley Authority has posted a number of student summer job opportunities. Deadline for applications is March 1.
Saskatoon Heritage Society Dinner, March 2
The Saskatoon Heritage Society is holding its annual dinner on Friday, March 2, at the Delta Bessborough. Dr. Ryan Walker will be speaking on Reflections on Saskatoon’s Urban Growth and Changing Concept of Place. Call 717-1791 to obtain tickets.
Wanted: Jane’s Walk Tour Guides
Jane’s Walk celebrates Jane Jacobs’ legacy by getting people out exploring their neighbourhoods and meeting their neighbours. In 2011, 511 walks were held in 75 cities in 15 countries worldwide.
The 2012 Jane’s Walk will be held on May 5 & 6. If you are interested in leading a walk, contact Gord Androsoff (gandrosoff@sasktel.net, 371-8108), Tom Wolf (tom.wolf@sasktel.net, 716-2490), or Dwayne Keir (keir.dwayne@gmail.com, 717-2807).
Gardening Classes, Prairie Master Gardeners
Prairie Master Gardeners enjoy sharing their love of gardening. Below is a list of the classes they will be offering this spring. Take an individual class or sign up for certification as a Master Gardener.
Course fees are $25 per class with an additional charge of $25 to cover supplies for the Floral Design class. The last date to register is the Wednesday before the date of the class.
To register contact: prairie.mastergardeners@gmail.com or phone 651-1457. Payment may be sent to Prairie Master Gardeners c/o 2504 Blain Avenue, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, S7J 2B6.
March 3
9:30 am to 12 noon, Propagation (starting new plants from seed or cuttings)
March 10
9:30 am to 12 noon, Woody Ornamentals (caring for trees and shrubs that thrive in our climate)
1 to 3:30 pm, Floral Design (take home an arrangement you create)
March 17
9:30 am to 12 noon, Soils (components of healthy soil and how to strengthen it)
1 to 3:30 pm, Plants: all you need to know (how plants grow and the role of the environment)
April 14
9:30 am to 12 noon, Vegetables (vegetables that do well in our climate, new varieties and cultivars)
1 to 3:30 pm, Fruits (new SK varieties, what it takes to be a successful fruit grower)
April 21
9:30 am to 12 noon, Plant problems . . . and how to solve them (common plant diseases and garden pests)
1 to 3:30 pm, Composting (feeding your plants without store-bought preparations)
EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include.
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