1. How and when did you form your group?
In the early 1980s, Energy Management Task Forces were formed across Canada with the support of the federal government. To our knowledge, the Energy Management Task Force in Saskatoon is the only one remaining.
2. What are your principal activities and why do you believe they're important?
We hold monthly breakfast meetings, from September to June, with speakers presenting on a variety of topics related to energy conservation and management. The breakfast meetings provide formal knowledge exchange as well as networking.
We host the annual Rob Dumont Energy Management Awards to recognize and honour outstanding achievements of individuals and organizations in field of energy management. The awards are named in honour of the well-known and respected engineer.
We manage the emtfsask.ca website, a resource for information on energy management and technologies.
3. What have been your successes to date?
Consistent attendance at breakfast meetings of 20-40 highly engaged energy professionals.
Excellent discussions at breakfast meetings.
Establishment and five years of Rob Dumont Energy Management Awards recognizing excellence in energy management.
4. What would you like to achieve in 2021?
We would like to expand attendance at the online meetings to people across Saskatchewan.
We would like increased attendance by post-secondary students.
5. If you could have 3 wishes for improving your community, what would they be?
1. Energy efficiency is a priority at all levels of government
2. There are high levels of energy efficiency in all new buildings.
3. Good ideas for how to retrofit all existing buildings to reduce energy consumption by about 90%.
6. Are there volunteer opportunities with your organization? If so, please describe them and indicate how people can contact you.
Attendees are always welcome at our breakfast meetings.
The executive committee would welcome additional members. In particular, a person to monitor our social media accounts would be helpful.
The Rob Dumont Energy Management Awards Committee would welcome additional members. In particular, people with marketing abilities and/or ability to obtain sponsors would be welcome.
Additional Community Highlights
Photo: pre-Covid breakfast meeting, provided by EMTF
EcoFriendly Sask supports Saskatchewan environmental initiatives through an online publication, an events calendar, small grants, and the Nature Companion website/app.
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