Tuesday, 19 January 2021

EcoSask News, January 19, 2021


Upcoming Events 
Sustainable YXE, Jan. 21 (online) 
Saskatoon Public Library is hosting an online discussion for teens about making our community more sustainable from 6-7 pm, Jan. 21. 

Vacationing in the Tropics, Jan. 22 (online) 
Nicholas Bayly will discuss the ecology and conservation of Canadian-breeding migratory birds in Colombia in the WildEcol Seminar Series at 3:30 pm, Jan. 22. 

Wildlife Rehab Orientation, Jan. 23 (online) 
WRSOS is holding a virtual wildlife rehabilitation orientation at 1 pm, Jan. 23. 

Eco-Scavenger Hunt, Jan. 23 & 30 (Saskatoon) 
Meewasin Valley Authority is hosting self-directed eco-scavenger hunts to help track wildlife at Beaver Creek Conservation Area on Jan. 23 & 30; Feb. 13, 18, 19, & 27; and Mar. 13 & 27. 

Where & How People Live, Jan. 26 (online) 
There will be an online discussion of how climate change is contributing to human migration as well as an update on local climate action at 7 pm, Jan. 26, as part of the Sustainability Speaker Series organized by the Saskatoon Public Library and the Saskatchewan Environmental Society. 

A Landscape Ethic, Jan. 28 (online) 
Dr. Hamilton Greenwood will share his photographic adventures and reflections on the beauty of Western Canada online at 7 pm, Jan. 28 (John M. Cuelenaere Library, Prince Albert). 

At Risk: Mormon Metalmark Butterflies, Jan. 28 (online) 
Shelley Pruss, Parks Canada, will discuss Mormon Metalmark butterflies, an uncommon species found in the Prairie Badlands at noon, Jan. 28, as part of the Native Prairie Speaker Series. 

Winter Readiness, Jan. 28 (online) 
Regina Public Library and Parks Canada are offering a program on animals that are masters at adapting to winter conditions at 7 pm, Jan. 28. 

Looking Ahead
Speed Networking, Jan. 29 (online) 
The Canadian Environmental Network is hosting a speed networking hour at 3 pm, Jan. 29, to help environmental organization leaders meet and find ways to collaborate

Repair Café, Jan. 30 (online) 
The Saskatchewan Waste Reduction Council is hosting a virtual repair café 11 am-2 pm, Jan. 30. 

Winter Walk, Jan. 30 (Regina) 
The public is invited to join Nature Regina for a bird watching walk and to find out what happens under the snow and ice in winter at 10, 10:30, or 11 am, Jan. 30. 

Saskatoon Nature Society Field Trips 
Jan. 30, 11 am-7 pm – Great Gray Owl Excursion 
Feb. 6, 2-3:30 pm – Forestry Farm Bird Walk 
Field trips are currently for members only, so sign up now. Advance registration is required. 

A full list of upcoming events (online and in person) can be found on the EcoFriendly Sask Calendar 

Local News 
The Athabasca Nuhenéné community has set up a Facebook page to share their connection to their land and culture and the need to preserve it

Agricultural drainage standards need to be in place and enforced to protect the environment and people. 

New! Responding to Climate Change: A Primer for K-12 Education, Sustainability and Education Policy Network 

The University of Saskatchewan and FCL continue to support research into cleaning up and managing contaminated sites

A growing chorus of experts says carbon capture isn’t all that effective and could even add to greenhouse gas emissions. 

How will Saskatchewan’s water supply be affected by Alberta's decisions regarding coal mining? Although a few coal leases were cancelled (January 18, 2021), most remain and would affect the water source for the Canadian Prairies.

From Information to Action 
Hydrogen is a lifeline for the oil and gas industry and a distraction from proven technologies – wind, solar, battery storage. 

The textile industry creates 10% of global CO2 emissions. “With production projected to increase 81% by 2030, we are sleepwalking into an environmental disaster.” 

“By 2040, forests will take up only half as much carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as they do now, if global temperatures keep rising at the present pace.” 

Good News 
Two 17-year-olds are on a mission – to rewild Britain by restoring reptile and amphibian species that are either virtually extinct or have been extinct for centuries. 

The Harmony Project offers teaching resources to develop learning based on a deep understanding of, and connection to, the natural world

Thank you for reading EcoSask News. If you enjoyed it, please share it with someone – or many someones! 

You can follow EcoFriendly Sask by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, or by email (top right corner). 

Did you know? Great Gray Owl have very good hearing and can detect prey under 2 ft of snow thanks to the facial disc feathers that channel sound to the ears (Nature Companion, a free nature app for Western Canada)