Tuesday, 18 August 2020

EcoSask News, August 18, 2020

Monarch butterfly

Upcoming Events
Bird Tours, Aug./Sept. (Saskatoon) 
Stan Shadick is offering physically distanced bird tours with proceeds to Living Sky Wildlife Rehabilitation:
Shorebird driving tour - Aug. 1-Sept. 15
Pelican driving tour - Aug. 15-Sept. 15
Warbler walking tour - Aug. 20-Sept. 15

Let’s Talk Outdoors, Aug. 20 (online)
SaskOutdoors is launching a podcast on Aug. 20 – Let’s Talk Outdoors: Environmental Enjoyment and Education – with new episodes every third Thursday.

Climate Strike, Aug. 21 & ongoing (online) 
The YXE Youth Climate Committee is hosting a digital Fridays for Future Climate Strike on Fridays from 12-1 pm starting Aug. 21.

Flight of the Monarch, Aug. 22 (online)
Join Nature Saskatchewan in celebrating Flight of the Monarch Day on Aug. 22.

Mini Outdoor School Conference, Aug. 24 (online) 
The Early Childhood Education Council is offering a virtual mini outdoor school conference for its members from 1-2 pm, Aug. 24. Register by emailing saskecec@gmail.com.

SOS Trees Coalition AGM, Aug. 27 (Saskatoon) 
SOS Trees Coalition will hold their annual general meeting outdoors in Victoria Park close to the pagoda at 6:30 pm, Aug. 27.

Backyard Bioblitz, Aug. 24-30 (Saskatchewan) 
Nature Conservancy of Canada is inviting the public to contribute to online community science by searching for plants, animals, and insects in your backyard or local green space and tracking your observations with iNaturalist.

Looking Ahead 
Project WILD, Sept. 16, 23, 30 (online) 
SaskOutdoors is hosting a Project WILD training online from 7-9 pm, Sept. 16, 23, and 30.

George Genereux Park Clean-Up, Sept. 19 (Saskatoon) 
Friends of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas are inviting volunteers to join them in removing garbage in George Genereux Urban Regional Park from 9 am-5 pm, Sept. 19. Volunteers with trucks, wheelbarrows, etc. are encouraged to bring it with them. Disposal bins will be on site in August and September if you want to help out at a different time.

A full list of upcoming events (online and in person) can be found on the EcoFriendly Sask Calendar

Woodland Skipper ?

Local News
Friends of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas will deliver your recyclables to SARCAN and provide you with a charitable receipt. Call 306-380-5368 to arrange a pick-up.

The Wildlife Rehabilitation Society of Saskatchewan has responded to over 3000 calls to their wildlife hotline this year. Your donations can help support the work of WRSOS and wildlife rehabilitators throughout Saskatchewan (Living Sky in Saskatoon, Salthaven West in Regina, Silverwood in southeast Saskatchewan to name just a few).

Meewasin Valley Authority’s functional study to help minimize the environmental impacts of the proposed Saskatoon Freeway recommends shifting the route by 200-300 metres to the north and a causeway to reduce impact on wetlands. Recent focus groups also expressed concerns and recommendations regarding environmental issues.

Parks Canada has installed EV charging stations in Prince Albert National Park, Batoche and Motherwell Homestead National Historic Sites. Grasslands National Park will have one soon.

Rusty Tussock Moth caterpillar

From Information to Action
The UK is testing the viability of noise cameras to cut down on noise pollution.

Lower speed limits – on the highway and in town – reduce greenhouse gas emissions and climate change.

Having an impact: how to practice science that influences environmental policy and management.

Volunteers are plugging abandoned oil wells in Montana and returning the land to its pre-drilling condition.

The environmental footprint of paper vs electronic books – it depends how much you read.

Efforts to protect the nests of Western Painted Turtles have resulted in almost 200 hatchlings at Elizabeth Lake near Cranbrook.

A 22,000 sq. m. green roof on a university campus in Thailand mimics local rice terrace landscapes, collects rainwater, and grows up to 135,000 rice meals and vegetables each year.

EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include. 

 You can follow EcoFriendly Sask by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, or by email (top right corner).

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