Tuesday 5 November 2019
EcoSask News, November 5, 2019
Upcoming Events
Passive House Days, Nov. 8 & 9 (Regina)
Visit the Jameson High Performance House near White City, Nov. 8 & 9, as part of International Passive House Days.
Bird Feeding Workshop, Nov. 10 (Moose Jaw)
Make bird feeders and bird treats at a bird feeding workshop hosted by the Moose Jaw Nature Society from 2-5 pm, Nov. 10.
Winter Eyes, Nov. 12 (Prince Albert)
Andrea Nelson will uncover the curiosities of the early winter season at 7 pm, Nov. 12, in Prince Albert.
Electronic Recycling, Nov. 13 (Regina)
Find out how the Electronic Recycling Association is reducing waste and reusing unwanted electronic equipment at noon, Nov. 13.
Repair Café, Nov. 16 (Prince Albert)
Celebrate and share maintenance and repair skills from 1-4 pm, Nov. 16, at Repair Café Prince Albert.
Looking Ahead
Beginner Bird Id, Nov. 27 (Saskatoon)
The Saskatchewan Breeding Bird Atlas is hosting a free bird identification workshop from 7-9 pm, Nov. 27.
Winter Wildlife Tracking, Dec. 1 (Saskatoon)
Learn to identify animal tracks in the Small Swale with the Saskatoon Nature Society and Meewasin from 2-4 pm, Dec. 1.
Saskatoon Nature Society Field Trips
Nov. 10, 1-5 pm – Pike Lake Birding
Nov. 24, 2-3 pm – Pre-Grey Cup Birding
Everyone is welcome. Check the Saskatoon Nature Society’s website for full details and updated information.
A full list of upcoming events can be found on the EcoFriendly Sask Calendar
In the News
Congratulations to Candace Savage, winner of the 2019 Meewasin Conservation Award – so well deserved!
The provincial government is asking for feedback on a proposal to include a Forest Inventory Chapter in the Saskatchewan Environmental Code. The Environmental Code addition will govern forest inventories created in preparation of forest management plans, pursuant to The Forest Resources Management Act. Feedback must be submitted by Dec. 16, 2019.
“For producers grazing cattle, beaver activity is part of an ecosystem chain that aids the production of lush, high-nutrient forage in riparian areas and uplands.”
Always-on inactive electrical devices cost the average household $165/year and waste approximately 500 megawatts of power.
The rarest, most endangered species get the most attention—but common species need help, too.
Generating electricity from fossil fuels is a water-intensive process. Water savings could be achieved by switching to solar- and wind-generated electricity.
Tips on how to write a petition headline that will attract signatures.
The 2020 Olympic medals will be made from 80,000 tons of recycled mobile phones and electronics.
EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include.
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