Tuesday, 19 March 2019

EcoSask News, March 19, 2019


Upcoming Events
Putting a Price on Carbon, Mar. 19 (Saskatoon)
Jason McLean will discuss the law and economics of putting a price on carbon at 7 pm, Mar. 19.

Seeking Solace, Mar. 20-Apr. 18 (Saskatoon)
Kathy Bradshaw’s paintings explore the power of landscape at the Frances Morrison Library Gallery from Mar. 20-Apr. 18.

Wascana Solar Co-op AGM, Mar. 21 (Regina)
Wascana Solar Co-op is holding their membership’s annual general meeting at 7 pm, Mar. 21.

Saskatoon Nature Society AGM, Mar. 21 (Saskatoon)
Following a short business meeting, Saskatoon Nature Society members will share their photographs from the past year at 7:30 pm, Mar. 21.

Nature Photography, Mar. 22 (Moose Jaw)
Bob Schultz will share his photographs and answer questions about nature photography at the 7 pm, Mar. 22, meeting of the Moose Jaw Nature Society.

Passivhaus, Mar. 22-24 (Saskatoon)
Michael Nemeth will be speaking about passive houses at HomeStyles: 4 pm, Mar. 22, 11 am, Mar. 23, 11 am, Mar. 24.

Wascana Park in Winter, Mar. 23 (Regina)
Join Nature Regina on their Wascana Park field trip from 9 am-noon, Mar. 23.

Wild Mushrooms, Mar. 23 (Regina)
Learn about wild mushrooms from 10 am-12 pm at the Sunrise Branch of the Regina Public Library and from 2-4 pm at the Glen Elm branch.

SaskOutdoors AGM, Mar. 23 (Saskatoon)
SaskOutdoors is holding its annual general meeting near Saskatoon on Mar. 23.

Kelsey Ecological Society, Mar. 24 (Preeceville)
Michael and Kathleen Pitt will talk about the South Nahanni River: Canoeists’ Mecca at the Kelsey Ecological Society meeting at 2 pm, Mar. 24, at Club 60 Preeceville.

Garden Art for Kids, Mar. 24 (Regina)
Kids can decorate a plant container and learn about planting seeds from 2-3 pm, Mar. 24, at the Regina Central Library.

Water for Sale, Mar. 26 (Prince Albert)
Virtual speaker Regan Boychuk will discuss the commercialization of water at the Prince Albert Council of Canadian’s meeting from 7-8:30 pm, Mar. 26.

Introduction to Permaculture, Mar. 26 (Regina)
Find out about permaculture techniques and how they can be applied in your yard from 7-8:30 pm, Mar. 26, at Sunrise Library.

Our Planet’s Future, Mar. 26 (Saskatoon)
Dr. Roberta Bondar will speak on sustaining the future of our planet and ourselves from 7-8 pm, Mar. 26, at the University of Saskatchewan.

Conserving Native Grasslands, Mar. 28 (Saskatoon)
Trevor Herriot and Branimir Gjetvaj are giving a free public talk at 5:30 pm, Mar. 28, on getting native grasslands on Canada’s conservation radar. Register in advance. The talk is part of a networking event planned by the University of Saskatchewan.


Looking Ahead
SK Association of Watersheds Conference, Apr. 15-17 (Moosomin)
The Saskatchewan Association of Watersheds will hold their annual conference from Apr. 15-17 in Moosomin.

Nature Playcare, Apr. 23-26 (Saskatoon)
Wildernook and SaskOutdoors are hosting a Spring Camp edition of Nature Playcare from Apr. 23-26 – 3-4 year olds in the morning, 4-5 year olds in the afternoon.

A full list of upcoming events can be found on the EcoFriendly Sask Calendar 

In the News
Wascana Solar Co-op uses group purchases to make solar panels affordable.

Nova Scotia has introduced a bill to protect biodiversity.

Prevention is the only effective way to deal with plastic pollution.

Cities have a key role to play in confronting climate change, starting with shared mobility and taking back the streets from the private car.

A growing number of German households are installing batteries to store solar power.

Horizon by Barry Lopez is a “grave, sorrowful, beautiful book.”

EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include. 

You can follow EcoFriendly Sask by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, or by email (top right corner).