Tuesday 29 January 2019

EcoSask News, January 29, 2019


Upcoming Events
Pesticides in the Prairie Pothole Region, Feb. 1 (Saskatoon) 
Egina Malaj will discuss the ecological assessment of pesticides in the Prairie Pothole Region at 3:30 pm, Feb. 1, as part of the WildEcol seminar series at the U of S.

AB/SK Renewable Energy Summit, Feb. 4-5 (Calgary) 
Find out about renewable energy project and investment opportunities at the AB/SK Renewable Energy Summit, Feb. 4-5, in Calgary.

Retro-commissioning, Feb. 6 (Saskatoon)
Ken Coutu will discuss retro-commissioning at the Feb. 6 breakfast meeting of the Energy Management Task Force.

Project Wet, Feb. 8 (Saskatoon) 
SaskOutdoors is hosting a Project Wet workshop on Feb. 8 at the University of Saskatchewan.


Looking Ahead
Nature Play: Winter Edition, Feb. 12 (Saskatoon) 
Early years educators are invited to discover ways to embed outdoor learning experiences in their winter program from 1-3 pm, Feb. 12.

Cold Weather First Aid, Feb. 16 (Saskatoon) 
SaskOutdoors and Back40 Wilderness First Aid Training are offering anyone who plays outside a short refresher in winter first aid skills for hypothermia and minor injuries from 1:30-4 pm, Feb. 16.

True Nature Writing, Feb. 28-Mar. 21 (online) 
SaskOutdoors is partnering with writer Joyce Belcher to offer a 4-session, online class in nature writing from Feb. 28-Mar. 21.

Building Operator Training, Mar. 1 (Regina), Mar. 29 (Saskatoon) 
Do you operate a building? Would you like to save money? The Saskatchewan Environmental Society is offering a building operator training course in energy conservation on Mar. 1 in Regina and Mar. 29 in Saskatoon.

SWRC Waste Reforum, Apr. 10-12 (Saskatoon) 
The Saskatchewan Waste Reduction Council will be hosting their annual conference in Saskatoon from Apr. 10-12. The theme is Home Grown: Local Problems. Local Solutions. There will be a pre-conference workshop on Applying Design Thinking to Recycling Right.

A full list of upcoming events can be found on the EcoFriendly Sask Calendar

In the News
Saskatchewan's methane regulations ignore more than 40% of the province's methane emissions, contain loopholes, and lack strong measurement and reporting standards.

Coyotes and foxes help fight Lyme disease by killing rodents.

Starting in 2020, all new homes in California will have rooftop solar.

Offering everything from cement mixers to air compressors as well as classes in how to use them, the West Philly Tool Library makes home repairs and maintenance more affordable.

Vancouver is initiating a one-year mentorship program to assist young women to became climate leaders in their field.

"If we're going to fly, it should be for truly extraordinary and important reasons."

EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include. 

You can follow EcoFriendly Sask by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, or by email (top right corner).