Tuesday, 10 October 2017

EcoSask News, October 10, 2017


Upcoming Events
Wildlife Rehab Volunteer Orientation, Oct. 15 (Regina)
Wildlife Rehabilitation Society of Saskatchewan (WRSOS) is holding a volunteer orientation in Regina from 10 am-12 pm, Oct. 15. Contact the WRSOS to register.

Right to a Healthy Environment, Oct. 15 (Saskatoon)
Dianne Rhodes will discuss the impact of climate change on the natural world and what we can do to change it at 1 pm, Oct. 15, at Wild Birds Unlimited.

Demystifying Recycling, Oct. 16 (Saskatoon)
Steep Hill Food Co-op is sponsoring a talk on demystifying recycling at 7 pm, Oct. 16, at the J S Wood Library.

Life Photo Shoot, Oct. 17 (Saskatoon)
Join the Saskatoon Camera Club for a life photo shoot at Chief Whitecap Park at 7 pm, Oct. 17.

Talking ‘bout Bioblitz, Oct. 17 (Regina)
Royal Saskatchewan Museum staff will share photos and stories of the Regina Bioblitz at a meeting co-hosted by Nature Regina at 7 pm, Oct. 17.

Rubbish Dinner & Movie, Oct. 17 (Saskatoon)
The Saskatchewan Waste Reduction Council is hosting a Rubbish Dinner on Oct. 17 using food that is often thrown away.

New Directions in Habitat Mitigation, Oct. 18 (webinar)
Peter Joyce, SK Ministry of Environment, will speak on new directions in habitat mitigation: early experience and future opportunities at a noon webinar, Oct. 18 (SK PCAP Native Prairie Speaker Series).

Ecological History of the Northeast Swale, Oct. 19 (Saskatoon)
Kenton Lysak will discuss the ecological history of the Northeast Swale at the Oct. 19 meeting of the Saskatoon Nature Society.

Waste Reduction Week Conference, Oct. 20 (Prince Albert)
The City of Prince Albert is hosting a Waste Reduction Week conference from 1-4 pm, Oct. 20.

Our Journey Toward Hope, Oct. 20-22 (Saskatoon)
Guy Dauncey, BC environmentalist, will speak on journey to the future: a better world is possible at Meewasin Valley United Church’s conference Oct. 20-22.

Reconciliation in the Watershed, Oct. 21 (Regina)
A reconciliation in the watershed workshop on Oct. 21 in Regina will blend reflection with hands-on environmental practice.

Wild for Life, Oct. 22 (Dorintosh)
Join Healing Haven Wildlife Rescue for their annual Wild for Life supper and dance fundraiser on Oct. 22 in Dorintosh.

mallard ducks

Nature Regina Field Trips
Oct. 21, 8 am – Exploring the Meacham Area for Whooping Cranes
Oct. 28, 9 am – Exploring the Fort Qu’Appelle Area (new date)
Check Nature Regina’s website for full details and updated information.

Saskatoon Nature Society Field Trips
Golden Eagles 
Oct. 19, 9 am – Forestry Farm & Zoo
Retirees and partners who are interested in birds and the natural world are invited to participate in Golden Eagle field trips.
Other Saskatoon Nature Society Field Trips 
Oct. 15, 1:30-5 pm – Pike Lake Birding & Vanscoy Fall Supper
Oct. 19, 1:30-5 pm – Blackstrap Lake Birding
Check the Saskatoon Nature Society’s website for full details and updated information.

A full list of upcoming events can be found on the EcoFriendly Sask Calendar

In the News 
Looking at a web page with pictures or video emits an estimated .2 grams of CO2 per second. Here are 6 ways you can reduce your personal internet carbon footprint [infographic].

"If there is a single animal on this planet who will test our own mettle as a species, who pushes us to question our ability to understand instead of judge, to study instead of kill, to coexist instead of dominate, to become more thoughtful and less fearful, it is the coyote."

This Saskatoon-made ambulance has it all - hybrid engine, solar panels, anti-idling device.

Two-car households - 1 energy efficient + 1 gas hog = no energy savings

EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include. 

You can follow EcoFriendly Sask by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, or by email (top right corner).