Tuesday, 5 July 2016

EcoSask News, July 5, 2016


Coming Soon
Urban Forest Art Exhibit, June 18-July 14 (Saskatoon) 
Urban Forest, a series of paintings by Heather Cline, highlights the interplay of natural and built forms in the city. The exhibit is on display at Art Placement until July 14.

Green Drinks Saskatoon, July 8 
Green Drinks Saskatoon is meeting at 5:30 pm, July 8, at Hudson’s Canadian Tap House.

Building a Swale, July 10 (Saskatoon) 
Join Permaculture Saskatchewan as they finish installing a swale at the College of Education’s Prairie Habitat Garden from 9 am to 4 pm, July 10.

Build an Insect Hotel, July 16 (Saskatoon) 
Help build an insect hotel and find out about garden insects at the Saskatoon Food Bank’s Garden Patch, 10 am, July 16.

Looking Ahead
Nature Saskatchewan Appreciation Dinner, July 21 (SK) 
Nature Saskatchewan is hosting a conservation awareness and appreciation dinner in Willow Bunch at 6 pm, July 21.

Wildlife Rehab. Fundraiser, July 23 (Saskatoon) 
Living Sky Wildlife Rehabilitation is hosting a beach volleyball tournament and fundraising dinner on July 23.

Summer Star Party, Aug. 3-7 (SK) 
The Saskatchewan Summer Star Party in Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park is hosted by the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada and includes public star nights and a presentation by Candace Savage.

A full list of upcoming events can be found on the EcoFriendly Sask Calendar 


Interesting News
Show your support for continued provincial funding for Meewasin Valley Authority - sign the petition.

The Saskatoon Seed Library has a new website – and you can check out their seeds or sign up as a member at Cliff Wright Public Library.

Recent studies from the Centre for Automotive Safety Research at the University of Adelaide have shown that a reduction in speed of just 10% has the potential to reduce wildlife collisions by 20%.

Help scientists map the monarch butterfly’s range and feeding locations - be part of Mission Monarch.

Coyote America: A Natural and Supernatural History by Dan Flores asks the question, “What do you want to pass down to your children and your children’s children? Fear, narrow views of who has a right to be on the land? Or respect and awe and wonder?”

EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include. 

You can follow EcoFriendly Sask by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, or by email (top right corner).