Tuesday, 29 March 2016

EcoSask News, March 29, 2016


Upcoming Events
Environmentally Conscious Decision-Making, Mar. 29
Dr. John Giesy, Professor of Environmental Psychology, will be leading a discussion on Life in a Toxic World: Environmentally Conscious Decision-Making at Tox on Tap at 7 pm, Mar. 29.

Protecting the Swale, Apr. 1
The Northeast Swale is on the agenda for the Apr. 1 Meewasin Valley Authority board meeting. There are plans to convert Central Avenue into a four-lane, divided arterial route across the Northeast Swale connecting with the four-lane North Commuter Parkway. The City of Saskatoon estimates that these two thoroughfares, together with Lowe Road, will carry between 26,000 and 67,000 vehicles (possibly more) across the Swale each day, bringing noise, disruption, and danger. The public is invited to make written or oral presentations.

Ecological Economics, Apr. 6
Dr. Brett Dolter, VP Research and Education, Canadian Society for Ecological Economics, will be speaking at the Apr. 6 breakfast meeting of the Saskatchewan Energy Management Task Force.

Saskatchewan River Delta, Apr. 7
Learn more about the Saskatchewan River Delta at a screening of a one-hour documentary by Ian Toews at 7 pm, Apr. 7.

Nature’s Calling You, Apr. 13
Nature’s Calling You is a free evening of speakers and entertainment honouring the Prince Albert National Park region at 6:30 pm, Apr. 13.

SK Environmental Society AGM, Apr. 14
Cathy Holtslander and Darrin Qualman, National Farmers’ Union, are the keynote speakers at the Saskatchewan Environmental Society’s AGM on Apr. 14. They’ll be speaking about Climate Change: The Challenges of Decarbonizing our Farms and Food Systems.

A full list of upcoming events can be found on the EcoFriendly Sask Calendar


Saskatoon Police Services’ headquarters has received LEED Silver certification. The Health Sciences E Wing, University of Saskatchewan, has received LEED Gold certification.

A provincial election primer – 10 reasons why Saskatchewan’s grasslands matter.

Prince Albert City Council is considering fines and a two-tiered billing system to help prevent non-recyclables being put in recycling bins.

The Craik Eco-Centre has been destroyed by fire - what a shame!

Agriculture, meat production in particular, is the largest source of environmentally damaging nitrogen.

Stop, say hello, and appreciate all the forms of life around you.

EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include. 

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