Tuesday, 20 October 2015

EcoSask News, October 20, 2015


Upcoming Events
Lungs, Oct. 15-25 
Lungs, a Live Five theatre production, is playing Thursdays to Sundays, Oct. 15-25. The play examines parenting in the 21st century: “Is it irresponsible to bring another person into an overcrowded world that seems doomed?”

Zoo Society Special Meeting, Oct. 28 
The Saskatoon Zoo Society is calling a special general meeting for 7 pm, Oct. 28, to vote to pursue an amalgamation with the Saskatoon Zoo Foundation. The Foundation was formed to seek funding for capital projects. It has become evident that in order to increase funding, they must demonstrate the educational value of the project as demonstrated by the Society’s activities.

SK Energy Management Task Force, Nov. 4 
The Saskatchewan Energy Management Task Force hosts monthly breakfast meetings for professionals with an interest in the effective use of energy and its related aspects. The meetings start at 7 am at the Confederation Inn. The speaker on Nov. 4 is Karen Mallory, providing an overview of ongoing projects at Sustainable Development Technology Canada.

CFZ Night of Action, Nov. 5
Climate Friendly Zone Saskatchewan is hosting an evening workshop on November 5 to help participants develop the tools they need to take action on the issues they care about. Topics will include: using social media, municipal council 101, and not-your-parents letter-writing.

Burrowing Owl Fundraiser, Nov. 7 (Moose Jaw) 
William James will host a game and hypnotist show as a fundraiser for the SK Burrowing Owl Interpretive Centre at 5:30 pm, Nov. 7, in Moose Jaw.

A full list of upcoming events can be found on the EcoFriendly Sask Calendar

Have your say on the City of Saskatoon’s Growth Plan (includes an online survey)

A new app lets you buy, sell, and trade your way to reuse

A former mine is now the first large-scale solar project in Western Canada to use tracking technology

Better buses make a better city

EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include. 

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