Thursday, 9 July 2015

EcoFriendly Action Grant Criteria

We've updated the criteria when applying for an EcoFriendly Action Grant. We hope this information will be of assistance when you apply for a grant. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to send us an email.

We believe that people want to make a difference and have a positive impact on the environment, but sometimes they need additional financial resources. We decided to help by providing small grants, usually $500, to support local projects that will improve the environment.

Grant Criteria
EcoFriendly Sask is a small personal initiative (Who is EcoFriendly Sask?) so there is some flexibility in our grant criteria. However, we will expect you to demonstrate how your project meets the following criteria.

Type of Project
Projects should reduce or prevent damage to the natural environment. This can be direct (habitat restoration, energy conservation) or indirect (environmental education, promotion of local natural habitats).

Projects should benefit the natural environment and not just people.

Projects should be concrete and have tangible results. For example, the Saskatoon Friendship Inn used their grant to purchase reusable cups to replace the styrofoam cups they were using. The Carrot River Valley Watershed Association received a grant to provide area schools with mini watershed models and educational books so that learning continued after the Association’s presentations. Local gardening enthusiasts received a grant to establish the Saskatoon Seed Library.

Applicants should be individuals, schools, or community groups and institutions in Saskatchewan. You don’t have to have charitable status (but it’s good if you do).

Larger organizations and municipalities must demonstrate need and explain why the project cannot be supported through their own operational budget.

Projects must have a community-wide impact.

We do not support projects that are purely personal (e.g. purchasing a solar panel for a personal residence) even though we recognize there are benefits to setting an example.

Grants are not available for business initiatives (e.g. starting up a renewable energy company).

Financial Considerations
Projects should be for short-term projects or start-up funding. We don’t provide support for ongoing operational funding. For example, we might help you to set up a composting program, but we wouldn’t provide you with a grant to maintain it on a long-term basis.

Projects should be small. We do not normally support large-budget projects with many sponsors. 

Demonstrate need. EcoFriendly Action Grants are designed to support projects that would not be able to go ahead without our support.

Application Process
There are no forms to fill in. Simply send us an email ( outlining your project idea, its purpose and audience, as well as what you need to help make it happen. Clearly indicate how you will use the funds (e.g. a list of supplies that are required and approximate cost, a draft budget).

We accept grant proposals on a continuous basis. There are no application deadlines.

Grant recipients will be expected to do the following:

Acknowledge receipt of the grant, using EcoFriendly Sask’s logo, in your organization’s electronic and print publications in order to increase awareness of EcoFriendly Sask’s publications and grant program.

Provide photographs and a written report at the completion of the project to be posted on EcoFriendly Sask’s website so that others can learn from your experience.

See also: 
10 Tips for Successful EcoFriendly Action Grant Applications
EcoFriendly Action Grants 2014
EcoFriendly Sask Action Grants
Who is EcoFriendly Sask?