Tuesday, 10 March 2015

EcoSask News, March 10, 2015


Recreation and Parks Master Plan Open House, Mar. 12
The City is holding open houses to give the public an opportunity to review the Recreation and Parks Master Plan on March 12 (Cosmo Civic Centre) from 12-2 and 5-8 pm.

Beaver Creek Nature Hikes, March
Join an interpreter Sundays at 2:30 pm during the month of March for a hike and discussion about how canines adapt to find their prey. Beaver Creek Conservation Area is currently open from 9-5 weekdays and 12-5 weekends and holidays.

Saskatoon Zoo Run, Apr. 19
Join the Saskatoon Zoo Society’s fun run/walk at 9 am, April 19 and raise funds for the Zoo Club program.

Building a Sustainable Future, Mar. 17
Join the Saskatchewan Environmental Society’s Director of Environmental Policy, Peter Prebble, and SES board members at 7 pm, Mar. 17, for a discussion about the unsustainable nature of our province's economic growth, climate change, and biodiversity loss. They’ll propose policies that could lead us to a more sustainable future.

Solar Power Cooperative, Mar. 19
Peter Prebble will discuss the Saskatchewan Environmental Society’s plans to establish a solar power cooperative at the Mar. 19 meeting of PermaSask. This is a well thought-out plan with the promise of huge benefits for Saskatoon residents.

Do You Want a 33rd Street Bridge?
Thousands of people visit the weir every year to admire the pelicans, sniff the wild roses, and walk or run. A 33rd Street bridge would destroy one of Saskatoon’s loveliest natural places. And for what? Research clearly shows that when we build more roads (or bridges), we invite more cars.

Saving a Tower Full of Water
Water fixture retrofits in the Education Building, University of Saskatchewan, have saved 41 million litres of water since they were installed in 2012. “The volume of water saved each year due to the retrofit would fill 10 floors of the 11-storey Arts Tower.”

Meewasin’s Resource Management
Congratulations to Renny Grilz (South Saskatchewan River Watershed Stewards) on his new job as Resource Management Officer with the Meewasin Valley Authority. He replaces Luc Delanoy who is retiring after 32 years of passionate conservation work.

Canada’s Species at Risk
"Mitigation does not facilitate species’ recovery – at best, it decreases the impact of harm; at worst, when applied as the primary policy for protecting species at risk, it leads to death by a thousand cuts."

Wild Nature
The Wild Farm Alliance promotes healthy agriculture that protects and restores wild nature.

EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include. Additional upcoming events can be found on our Calendar

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