Tuesday 14 October 2014

EcoSask News, October 14, 2014


SaskOutdoors Meet and Greet, Oct. 15
SaskOutdoors will be holding a Meet and Greet in Saskatoon at 7:30 pm, October 15 at the Broadway Roastery on 8th Street. Location TBA - we'll post the information on our Calendar once it's available.

Peregrine Falcon in Flight, Oct. 18
Wild Birds Unlimited is organizing carpooling to see Lynn Oliphant’s peregrine falcon in flight. Meet at the store at 7:30 am, October 18.

Protected Bike Lane Demo Project, Oct. 21
The City of Saskatoon is holding a Presentation and Open House from 2-4 pm for businesses and 5-8 pm for the public on October 21 to outline the 18-month downtown protected bike lane project scheduled to begin May 2015. Look at the plans and give your feedback.

The Open House will be held at Le Relais Community Centre, 103-308 4th Avenue North.

Vandana Shiva, Oct. 28 (Regina)
Vandana Shiva will speak at the 40th anniversary celebration of the Saskatchewan Council for International Cooperation at 7:30 pm, October 28, Education Auditorium, University of Regina.

SK Grasslands, Oct. 31 (Regina)
Branimir Gjetvaj will be presenting an illustrated talk about the Saskatchewan Grasslands at 1:30 pm, October 31, at the University of Regina.

Thumbs Up 
Turn your home into a mean, green efficiency machine with these energy-saving tips [infograph].

Vancouver’s district energy utility can heat whole neighbourhoods. Could Saskatoon follow their example in North Downtown?

There’s a campaign afoot on US university campuses to promote reusable mugs. The We Hate to Waste campaign is aimed at having fun and taking selfies rather than stern moralistic messages.

Thumbs Down 
There are feminized fish in Wascana Creek (and other Canadian waterways) because the water treatment system isn’t removing the estrogen from birth control pills.

EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include. Additional upcoming events can be found on our Calendar

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