Wednesday, 11 June 2014
Buffalo Narrows Community Garden: Spring 2014
The community of Buffalo Narrows received a $500 EcoFriendly Action Grant to establish the Buffalo Narrows Community Garden.
A garden committee made up of elders, youth, health care providers, low income earners, etc. came to the conclusion that they needed to work on providing fresh, healthy, low-cost food that could substitute for otherwise expensive food purchases, encourage physical activity, teach new skills, and improve the local environment.
The municipality provided a piece of property, but they needed financial assistance to offset the cost of landscaping, rototilling, fencing, and purchasing garden tools.
Twenty-three community members helped prepare and plant this year’s community garden. Care was taken to provide raised garden beds for the elderly.
Buffalo Narrows has a population of approximately 1400. It borders Churchill Lake and Little Peter Pond Lake with easy access to Big Peter Pond Lake.
Additional Resources
Northern Saskatchewan Gardening Manual
Garden-Wise: Tips from Community Gardeners (from leadership and vandalism to soil and weeds)
Medicine Wheel Booklet
Accessible Community Garden Guidelines
Save Your Pennies, And Your Seeds
EcoFriendly Action Grants
EcoFriendly Sask provides small grants of up to $500 to support local projects that will benefit the environment.