Tuesday, 18 March 2014

EcoSask News, March 18, 2014

Mule Deer

Community Gardens, Mar. 18
Gord Androsoff, CHEP`s Urban Agriculture Coordinator, will talk about Saskatoon’s community gardens – their past, present, and future, from 7-8:30 pm, March 18, at the Frances Morrison Library, as part of the Saskatchewan Environmental Society’s Library Speaker series.

Aspen Ridge, Mar. 18
Aspen Ridge is a proposed residential neighbourhood beside the Northeast Swale. You’re invited to review and comment on the concept plan from 5-8 pm, March 18, in the Alice Turner Library auditorium. The plan includes a multi-use greenway abutting the swale.

Buffalo Calling, Mar. 19
Buffalo Calling, a documentary by Tasha Hubbard, tells the story of the buffalo and the prairie grasslands. It is being shown at 7 pm, March 19, at the Broadway Theatre, and will be followed by a panel discussion with Blackfoot historian Narcisse Blood, retired Grasslands National Park warden, Wes Olsen, and the filmmaker, Tasha Hubbard.

Permasask Potluck, Mar. 20
The Permaculture Research Institute of Saskatchewan is holding its monthly potluck at 6 pm, March 20, at the Saskatoon Food Bank. After supper and seed exchange, they`re heading over to the Eco-Beats fundraiser.

Mule Deer

WAM Social, Mar. 22
We Are Many is holding a social at The Hollows at 5:30 pm, March 22. Here's your chance to meet them and find out more about getting involved. RSVP to info@wamsaskatoon.com

Seed Security in Canada, Mar. 23
Karen Farmer will speak about seed security and a new Canadian seed saving program at the Slow Food Salon from 4-6 pm, March 23, at City Perks.

Film Night, Mar. 27 
The Saskatchewan Eco Network is celebrating World Water Day with two films - Cold Amazon: the MacKenzie River Basin and Waterlife - at 7 pm, March 27, at the Frances Morrison Library.

Prairie Pastures AGM, Regina, Mar. 29
Prairie Pastures Public Interest is holding its first annual general meeting from 1-4:30 pm, March 29, in the United Way Building, Regina. Speakers will discuss oil and gas development on the pastures, the pasture transfer process, and preserving heritage sites.

Take Action
We can make a difference. We just need to take action. Here are a couple of ideas:

The City of Saskatoon is offering a limited number of $20 rebates to Saskatoon residents who purchase a ready-made rain barrel or compost bin.

Triassic Moab combines business with art by providing a tree cutting service and using the clippings, as well as other natural and recycled objects, to create works of art.

Thumbs Up
City of North Vancouver named Canadian Solar City

Thumbs Down
American sage grouse authority laments Canada’s failure to protect the species

EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include. Additional upcoming events can be found on our Calendar.

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