Prince Albert Climate Change Series
Renewable Power – the Intelligent Choice & the John M. Cuelenaere Public Library are hosting a three-part series on climate change and sustainability in Saskatchewan. All three events will be held in the auditorium at the John M. Cuelenaere Public Library in Prince Albert on October 15, October 29, and November 12.
Waste Reduction Week
Join the Saskatchewan Waste Reduction Council in promoting Waste Reduction Week from October 21-27. The Ease My Load Campaign invites you to take simple actions to reduce waste – from greening your school’s purchasing policy to enjoying a waste-free lunch.
World’s Largest Garbage Dump, Oct. 23
As part of Waste Reduction Week, the Saskatchewan Eco Network and the Saskatchewan Waste Reduction Council are showing the film Wasteland at 7 pm on October 23 at Frances Morrison Library. Wasteland profiles pickers of recycled materials on the world’s largest garbage dump on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro.
Gasland & Gasland II, Oct. 24
Join Academy Award-nominated director Josh Fox for a special screening of his films Gasland and Gasland II at 7 pm on October 24. The screening is sponsored by the Council of Canadians’ Groundswell conference.
There will be a panel discussion about the Northeast Swale at 7 pm, October 24, in the Neatby-Timlin Theatre, Arts Building, U of S, as part of a Design Week discussion on the impacts of landscape architecture.
Join the Saskatoon Nature Society on their frequent field trips. Additional information is available on their website.
Oct. 26 – Identify and discuss the use of fall fruits and berries
Oct. 27 – Blackstrap Birding & Dundurn Fall Supper
Nov. 16 – Pike Lake Birding
SK Citizens’ Hearings on Climate Change, Nov. 1 & 2
The Saskatchewan Citizens’ Hearings on Climate Change are inviting individuals with a perspective on how climate change is impacting our province or themselves personally to speak at their hearings on November 1 and 2. Email your presentation ideas and outlines, as well as any questions you may have, to Karen Rooney at
South SK Regional Plan
Conservation groups are expressing concerns about the newly-released draft of the South Saskatchewan Regional Plan, which they believe does not do enough to protect the Castle region and ensure water flow and clean water.
EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include. Additional upcoming events can be found on our Calendar.
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