Tuesday, 12 February 2013

EcoSask News, February 12, 2013


Stress Tolerance in Plants, Feb. 21
Professor Susan Kaminskyj will discuss how fungi can protect plants from extreme climate at 7:30 pm, February 21, as part of the Saskatoon Nature Society’s monthly programming. Meetings are held in Room 106, Biology Building, University of Saskatchewan.

Passive House Design & Construction, Feb. 22
The Canada Green Building Council is offering the first-ever day-long workshop on passive house design and construction on February 22 covering insulation, air tightness, and ventilation.

We Are Many, Feb. 26
We Are Many is holding a members’ meeting on February 26. They are looking for people to take a more active role in coordinating the Garlic Project and the event logistics for the Hydration Station. Contact info@wamsaskatoon.com for more information.

Watersheds Conference, Apr. 9 & 10
The Saskatchewan Association of Watersheds' conference will be in Moose Jaw on April 9 and 10. Bob Sandford, the keynote speaker, will discuss water and climate security in the Canadian West, and there will be tours of several water treatment facilities.

Innovation Place Achieves LEED Gold
121 Research Drive, Innovation Place, Saskatoon, has been awarded LEED Gold certification, one of just three such buildings in the province. 121 Research Drive is a multi-tenant office building with six occupied levels. Some sustainable features of this building include:

  • 67% of construction waste was diverted from landfill
  • 21% of construction materials included recycled content
  • Low VOC materials contribute to a high indoor air quality
  • Water conservation through low-flow fixtures, selective landscape planning, and a high-efficiency irrigation system
  • Lighting system that responds to changing light levels throughout the day
  • 100% fresh air supply for ventilation
  • Exhaust heat recovery system
  • Radiant heating and cooling panel systems
  • 47% energy cost savings over the national energy code's model
  • 100% of electrical power provided by off-site renewable power source
  • Green housekeeping practices in cleaning operations

Environmental Solutions
Ensia is a new magazine and event series showcasing environmental solutions in action. It is produced by the University of Minnesota’s Institute on the Environment. Current articles include: Creating Sustainable Ocean Fisheries by Alexandra Cousteau, Are Migrations Going Extinct?, and Recycling Carpets for Car Parts.

Low-Carbon Energy Futures
Low-Carbon Energy Futures: A Review of National Scenarios indicates that a low-carbon future is within our reach. It will require major improvements in energy efficiency; greater reliance on electricity for heating, personal transportation, and some industrial processes; a transition to low- or zero-carbon electricity sources; and a wider use of biofuels.

Sewage Heat
Vancouver is mining its sewage to heat an entire neighbourhood.

Composting Gains Traction across the US
Composting organic waste is growing in the US. Compost Cab picks up food waste and delivers it to farmers and gardeners to use as compost/fertilizer. Harvest Power takes municipality's solid waste and converts it to high-quality soils or energy.

Edible Garden Oasis
Paradise Lot: Two Plant Geeks, One-Tenth of an Acre and the Making of an Edible Garden Oasis in the City by Eric Toensmeier with Jonathan Bates is permaculture in action, demonstrating what works and what doesn’t work when turning an urban backyard into a productive garden.

EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include. Additional upcoming events can be found on our Calendar.

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