Tuesday, 28 August 2012

EcoSask News, August 28, 2012

Taking action, walking to school, stargazing, saving seeds, and going on a picnic

Action Ideas, Aug. 31
Quick! There’s still time to submit your ideas for action on climate change and food justice to Check Your Head. Actions must be youth-led and local. Three action ideas will receive funds to help them come to life. The deadline is August 31.

Powershift, Oct. 26-29
Powershift 2012 is a movement organized by youth for youth whose goal is to build a movement for a just and sustainable future. 1500 youth from across Canada will be meeting in Ottawa from October 26-29.

Saskatoon Young Naturalists
The Saskatoon Zoo Society offers some wonderful field trips for 5 to 11 year olds. Coming up shortly are Sandhill Crane and Whooping Crane Field Trips. Check their website for full details.

Walk to School
Walking or cycling to school contributes to a healthy lifestyle, but it’s far less common nowadays. Parents who walked to school now drive their kids. A survey by Canada Walks suggests some ways of bringing about change:
  1. Provide guidance to parents to organize Walking School Buses and bicycle trains
  2. Promote walking buddy programs for older students so they can have independent mobility with more eyes on the street
  3. Find ways to get bicycle racks at schools, provide bicycling education, and work towards policies that will make this a priority in school transportation budgets.
  4. Continue to work towards infrastructure improvements
  5. Target parents with messaging, especially concerning convenience, weather and trip-chain mentality
  6. Stress the environmental, community and personal well-being benefits associated with the trip
  7. Use event days to show driving parents how little time it takes to walk from their homes

Stargazing in Horizon, Sept. 15
Now here’s something a little different. Take the train from Ogema to Horizon at sunset. Spend an hour looking at the night sky under the guidance of a trained amateur astronomer, and enjoy the poetry of Robert Service. The last trip of the season is on September 15.

SNS Fall Picnic, Sept. 16
Join the Saskatoon Nature Society from 2-7 pm on September 16 for a fall picnic at Eagle Creek Regional Park. They’ll be birding before supper. Full details are available online.

Saving Seeds
Here’s a handy guide to collecting and saving seeds from your garden, ready to use again next year.

Sale of Community Pastures
Agriculture Minister Lyle Stewart says that the sale of Saskatchewan’s community pastures is a good idea. Trevor Herriot disagrees. Here are the stories:
Vast tracts of conservation land threatened
Stewart defends divestiture plans
Ranchers may be good stewards but the de facto steward is the marketplace

Environmental Assessments Cancelled
Ottawa has cancelled 700 environmental assessments in Saskatchewan. In The StarPhoenix article, Professor Bram Noble calls the decision “unprecedented” and “a step backward.” “The Federation of Saskatchewan Indians accuses the Canadian and Saskatchewan governments of pandering to corporate interests at the expense of nature.”

EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include. A complete listing of all upcoming events can be found on our Calendar.

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