Tuesday, 22 May 2012

EcoSask News, May 22, 2012

Environmental news and events for Saskatoon & area - contests, field trips, moose and men, green transport, radio hosts

Of Moose and Men Book Launch, June 16
Jerry Haigh’s latest book, Of Moose and Men: A Wildlife Vet’s Pursuit of the World’s Largest Deer, covers every aspect of the moose, from history and biology to transportation and clothing. The book launch will be held from 7-9 pm on June 16 at Amigos Cantina. RSVP by June 1 to sarah@ecwpress.com.

Youth Art Contest 
The 2012 Robert Bateman Get to Know Contest encourages youth 19 years old and under to get outdoors and connect with their wild neighbours. Prizes are being offered for artwork, writing, video, photography, and music. The contest is sponsored by Nature Saskatchewan and the Saskatchewan Outdoor and Environmental Education Association. Full details, including virtual hikes and launch events, are available on the Get to Know Contest website.

Native Plant Society of Saskatchewan Field Trips
The following field trips are sponsored by the Native Plant Society of Saskatchewan. Call 668-3940 or info@npss.sk.ca to register.
Saskatchewan Landing Park, June 23
Join the NPSS for a bioblitz of all the plant and animal species to be found on both sides of the river.
Wanuskewin, July 14 
Help Wanuskewin’s park managers compile a list of all the plants to be found and learn about the history of this area. Participants will also have an opportunity to visit the interpretive centre and watch a native dance demonstration.
Maymont Property, July 21 
Help the Nature Conservancy of Canada inventory the Maymont property. This is a brand-new NCC property with a unique hanging wetland. 

State and Trends of Canadian Grasslands, June 26 & 27 
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and the College of Agriculture and Bioresources, U of S, are holding a workshop on the State and Trends of Canadian Grasslands on June 26 and 27. Register online. The workshop is free, but there is a limit of 80 participants.

Volunteer your time to watch and record the blooming of common plants and be part of a world-wide monitoring effort to document biological responses of plants to climate change. Additional information is available from Deanna Trowsdale-Mutafov, Nature Saskatchewan’s PlantWatch Coordinator at dtmutafov@naturesask.ca or on the PlantWatch website.

Living Building Challenge Workshop, June 20
A six-hour introduction to the Living Building Challenge will be offered in Saskatoon on June 20. Contact education@cagbc.org for additional information.

Green Transportation 
Here are two articles about environmentally friendly travel options – both personal and freight:
The greenest transport from A to B
Could electric truck lanes reduce LA’s horrific pollution?

Radio Hosts 
CFCR Community Radio is looking for one or two environmentally conscious people to host Pocket Mulch, an eco-friendly talk show every Wednesday from 6:30-7 pm. Contact Jay Allen, CFCR station manager, at pd@cfcr.ca if you are interested.

Rain Barrels
Harvest the Rain with these Four Homemade Rain Barrels provides information about making and installing a rain barrel.

Last Mountain Bird Observatory 
View bird species up close and learn about species identification, bird migration and bird conservation at the Last Mountain Bird Observatory every day in May as well as in August and September. Contact Deanna at 306.780.9481 or dtmutafov@naturesask.ca to book a group visit.

If you would like to receive hands-on training and volunteer at the Observatory, contact Al Smith at alanrandi@sasktel.net.

EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include. A complete listing of all upcoming events can be found on our Calendar.

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