Tuesday 24 January 2012

EcoSask News, January 24, 2012

WinterShines, January 28-February 12
WinterShines, Saskatoon’s winter festival, offers 150 different ways to enjoy being outdoors in the winter – from free sleigh rides, to ice sculptures, to a Winter Camp in the City for children in grades 6 to 8.

Montgomery Place Birding, February 4
Join the Saskatoon Nature Society on a birding field trip from 9:30-11:30 am on Saturday, February 4. Walk through Montgomery Place, a neighbourhood with mature trees, looking for winter songbirds. Meet at the intersection of Crerar Drive and Caen Street in Montgomery Place. For more information, call the field trip leader at 653-2610.

Young Naturalists Chickadee Pishing, February 4
Join the Saskatoon Young Naturalists as they attract and feed chickadees at Pike Lake at 1 pm on Saturday, February 4. Dress warmly and bring some bird snacks and binoculars. Call 975-3042 or email saskatoonnaturekids@gmail.com to sign up.

Sustainable Gardening/Permaculture, February 17 & 18
Rob Avis of Verge Permaculture will host a discussion on Sustainable Gardening on Friday, February 17 from 7-9 pm at Broadway Theatre (free admission).

On Saturday, February 18, he will lead a six-hour intensive workshop on the Fundamentals of Permaculture.

For more information, contact the Permaculture Research Institute of Saskatchewan.

SOEEA Ski Trip, February 24-26
The Saskatchewan Outdoor and Environmental Education Association is planning a ski trip to Duck Mountain Provincial Park from February 24-26. The weekend will include registration for the Duck Mountain Cross Country Ski Loppet, outdoor games and nature activities. The loppet is suitable for novice and experienced cross-country skiers. Registration details can be found on the SOEEA website.

Decommission Abandoned Wells
Vote and help the North Saskatchewan River Basin Council win $25,000 to decommission abandoned wells that are a pathway for ground water contamination.

Wanted: Bird Nerds
The Redberry Lake Biosphere Reserve will be participating in the Prairie and Parkland Marsh Monitoring Program this spring. The surveys compares the number of wetland birds in different habitats. Birds are recorded at a wetland site for 15 minutes at 6 to 8 different survey stations at least 3 times between May 20 and June 31. Participants must be able to identify approximately 60 birds by sight and sound.

Volunteer training on bird sights and sounds will be offered during the winter months. Contact Rachel at (306) 549-4060 or (306) 549–7473 if you are interested.

Climate Justice
Local volunteers are seeking to revitalize the climate justice movement in Saskatoon in order to bring climate issues to the minds and hearts of Saskatchewan. They hope to create a varied group with respect for a diversity of ideas and tactics.

For more information, contact Karen Rooney (karen-rooney@hotmail.com) or Mark Bigland-Pritchard (mark@lowenergydesign.com).

Urban Small Plot Intensive (SPIN) Farming
“The urban farming potential in Saskatoon is huge as we have a large land base,” Wally says. It’s an opportunity to grow fresh, healthy food close to home and create employment with a very minimal initial investment.

Read the complete interview with Wally Satzewich, one of the founders of SPIN Farming.

EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include.

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