Tuesday, 6 December 2011

EcoSask News, December 6, 2011

Nature Photography Exposed, December 8
Robin Karpan, Branimir Gjetvaj, and May Haga, three of Saskatoon’s leading nature photographers, will discuss their work and the lessons they have learned in a panel presentation on Nature Photography Exposed. The evening seminar is hosted by the Saskatoon Nature Society and will begin at 7:30 pm on Thursday, December 8, in Room 106, Biology Building, University of Saskatchewan.

Food Sovereignty in Canada, December 9
Attend the launch of Food Sovereignty in Canada: Creating Just and Sustainable Food Systems on Friday, December 9, from 7:30 to 10 pm at Caffe Sola.

“In case studies of practical action, Food Sovereignty in Canada provides an analysis of indigenous food sovereignty, orderly marketing, community gardens, the political engagement of nutritionists, experiences with urban agriculture and the strengthening of links between rural and urban communities. It also highlights policy-related challenges to building community-based agriculture and food systems that are ecologically sustainable and socially just. This book is essential reading for anyone interested in holistic, healthy and sustainable food production and consumption.”

Farmageddon, Regina, December 10
The Regina Public Library Film Theatre is showing Farmageddon, a documentary about government oversight of farming and food production, at 7 pm on Saturday, December 10. (via RCE Saskatchewan)

Green Christmas Ornaments, December 11
Saskatoon children are invited to visit the Meewasin Valley Centre on Sunday, December 11 from 12 to 4 pm to make a unique ornament from recycled materials. Call 665-6888 to pre-register. Program cost is $2.00.

Swift Fox Recovery in Canada, December 14
Shelley Pruss, Parks Canada, will offer a technical presentation on Swift Fox Recovery in Canada from 12:10 to 12:50 pm on Wednesday, December 14 in the Royal Saskatchewan Museum Auditorium, Regina.

This presentation and the following one are part of the Saskatchewan Prairie Conservation Action Plan’s Native Prairie Speaker Series. Both can be watched live on www.ustream.tv/channel/native-prairie-speaker-series

Canada Goose Management in Wascana Centre, December 14
Jared B. Clarke, Wascana Centre Authority, will offer a public presentation on Canada Goose Management in Wascana Centre from 7 to 8 pm on Wednesday, December 14 in the Royal Saskatchewan Museum Auditorium.

Christmas Bird Counts
Christmas bird counts have been a holiday tradition for over 100 years. The Saskatoon Nature Society invites everyone to participate, especially beginners. Dress up warmly and head outside to find out how many birds are overwintering in our area this winter.

Christmas bird counts will be held on Saturday, December 17 at Clark’s Crossing, on Monday, December 26 in Saskatoon, and on Monday, January 2 at Pike Lake. Other regional counts are being planned. Call 242-5383 for additional information.

Saskatchewan Birds in Pictures
Nick Saunders, author of the SaskBirder blog, has launched his first book. Saskatchewan Birds in Pictures includes photographs of nearly 120 Saskatchewan birds. You can order your copy online.

Small Boreal Conservation Grants
Small Change Fund is accepting proposals for projects which contribute towards the protection of Canada’s boreal forests, with a focus on First Nations, Inuit, and Metis communities across the boreal region. They accept proposals from registered grassroots charities or registered Aboriginal bands in Canada.

Transition Saskatoon
Transition Saskatoon is now on Facebook and offering a wide range of workshops and events.

EcoFriendly Sask posts informative articles and notices of upcoming events almost daily on Facebook and Twitter. Here are some of the recent posts:

The Drain Game: a video on why and how we can save our Prairie wetlands
The Black-Tailed Prairie Dog, found in and around Grasslands National Park, is now considered a threatened species.

EcoSask News is a weekly Tuesday feature. Email ecofriendlysask@gmail.com if you have news or events that you would like us to include.

Visit EcoFriendly Sask's Calendar page for a more complete list of upcoming events.