Tuesday, 18 October 2011
EcoSask News, October 18, 2011
Up Close and Personal with Candace Savage, October 20
Join Candace Savage as she shares the delights and challenges of her writing life at 7:30 pm on Thursday, October 20 in the Gallery on the second level of the Frances Morrison Library. This event is sponsored by the Saskatoon Public Library and the Saskatoon Writers’ Coop in celebration of Saskatchewan Library Week.
Water and Agriculture: A Workshop for Saskatchewan’s Future Leaders, November 11-13
Proven leaders aged 18-35 are invited to participate in a weekend workshop to build Saskatchewan’s capacity to create healthy and productive communities while sustainably managing its watersheds and water resources by engaging tomorrow’s decision makers in experiential, meaningful exploration of the issues surrounding water and agriculture. The workshop will be held at Craik Eco Village. The deadline to apply is October 24.
Boreal Forest Monitoring Program
The Government of Saskatchewan, with assistance from various partners, is launching a comprehensive boreal forest monitoring program in northern Saskatchewan. Studies will address First Nations and Métis traditional knowledge, clean water, air and land management, and biodiversity. Relevant data being collected and reviewed will also assess historical trends dating from the 1970s to the present. The consultation deadline is October 25.
Green Yourself Week, University of Saskatchewan, October 24-28
The University of Saskatchewan is hosting a variety of events to celebrate Green Yourself Week. Activities include lectures (Sustainability at the U of S, Indigenous Knowledge Teachings), movies (Flow, Home) and Green Drinks/Paddock Wood Beer Tasting. Participants in the scavenger hunt and commuter challenge can win prizes.
The Oil Sands: Economic Saviour or Environmental Disaster?, October 27
Dr. David Schindler, who has been concerned with the effects of tar sands development on water quality and health impacts for Aboriginal communities downstream of the Alberta tar sands, will speak at 2:30 pm on Thursday, October 27 at the College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Saskatchewan.
Native Prairie Thrives Under Climate Change
Joe Piwowar, a University of Regina geography professor, has released a study showing that the native prairie has been getting greener over the past three decades, despite much drier weather and significant drought. This surprised Piwowar: “ I would have expected the prairie grasslands to be showing more signs of stress. Instead, there's been more biomass, more vegetation growth."
Piwowar has been studying Grasslands National Park as it is largely undisturbed by human activities. The next step of his research will be to work out why the vegetation has been increasing and how this change could impact human activity, such as agriculture, and biodiversity.
Environmental Film Festival
Contact the Saskatchewan Eco-Network if you are interested in helping to organize a series of environmental film festivals across the province.