Tuesday, 16 August 2011

EcoSask News, August 16, 2011

Rio+20 Workshop
The Saskatchewan Environmental Society is hosting one of ten Rio+20 summit Civil Society Workshops being held across Canada to influence the 2012 Conference on Sustainable Development.

The Conference will focus on two themes: (1) a green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication, and (2) the institutional framework for sustainable development.

The Saskatoon workshop will take place on Saturday, September 17, 2011 from 1-4 pm in Room 45, Edwards School of Business, University of Saskatchewan. If you want to attend, send an email to pesticidefree@environmentalsociety.ca by August 23.

Background reading:
A Green Economy for Canada: Consulting with Canadians
Towards a Green Economy: Pathways to sustainable development and poverty eradication - a synthesis for policy makers
Sustainable Development: Governance towards Rio+20: Framing the debate

Volunteers needed: Native Plant Society of SK
The Native Plant Society of Saskatchewan is looking for volunteers to help pull invasive flowering rush out of a wetland near Watrous, as well as to search for salt cedar, another invasive plant, near Findlater and Swift Current. Dates have not yet been selected. Contact Chet Neufeld at info@npss.sk.ca if you are interested.

Saskatoon Young Naturalists’ Field Trips
Saskatoon Young Naturalists is a joint program of the Saskatoon Nature Society and the Saskatoon Zoo Society. Activities are open to all ages and offer nature-based activities designed for families. Content is geared towards the 5-11 year old range. Parent supervision is required. Call 975-3042 to register or send an email to saskatoonnaturekids@gmail.com

Upcoming trips include the following:

Saskatoon Grasslands Botany Field Trip, August 25, 6 pm – Take a walk through the Saskatoon Natural Grasslands looking for fall flowers, berries, and other interesting plants.

Sandhill Crane Field Trip, October 1, 10 am to noon – Look for migrating Sandhill Cranes and other wildlife at Chief Whitecap Park south of Saskatoon. There will be a demonstration on how to use binoculars and spotting scope.

Saskatoon Nature Society Field Trips
Join the Saskatoon Nature Society on a wide variety of field trips:

Saturday, August 20, 8 am – noon – General Nature Walk to Asquith Nature Conservancy properties

Sunday, August 21, 2-4 pm – Bird Walk through Donna Birkmaier Park, Saskatoon

Saturday, August 27, 8-10 am – Fall Songbirds at Gabriel Dumont Park, Saskatoon

Monday, September 5, 8-10 am – Warbler Migration Hike at Ashworth Holmes Park

Saturday, September 10 – Fall Bird Count (contact Michael Williams at 242-5383 for information)

For information about other upcoming events, check out the EcoFriendly Sask Calendar.

Swale watching
Vote for the Meewasin Valley Authority in its efforts to conserve the native prairie, wildflowers, wetlands, and wildlife in the NorthEast Swale.

Plant wildflower seeds
The Blazing Star Wildflower Seed Company located in Aberdeen, SK, offers a wide range of native Canadian wild flower seeds. They are currently offering a 30% discount on all items in their online store.

More farmers’ markets means more jobs
The United States Department of Agriculture released its latest Farmers Market Survey last week. There are 17% more farmers’ markets in the United States than there were last year, “a sign that the local and regional food system is robust and thriving. More farmers markets mean more opportunities for small and mid-size farmers – especially beginning farmers – to diversify their farms, sell their products, and grow their businesses.”

The report goes on to state that “modest public funding for 100 to 500 otherwise-unsuccessful farmers markets a year could create as many as 13,500 jobs over a five-year period.” (via Grist)

Be sure to visit your local farmers’ market. The Saskatoon Farmers’ Market has an abundance of local fruits and vegetables at the moment - from melons to tomatoes, leeks, and cauliflower.

EcoSask News is a weekly Tuesday feature. Email ecofriendlysask@gmail.com if you have news or events that you would like us to include.

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